Patru legi ale CAME,


The fourth law of Human Automation is EXPERIENCE. We strike the right balance between man and technology, people and personal wellbeing at the core of everything we do, leaving them free to be themselves. Based on this principle, we created CAME Connect, an innovative system that enables installers to geolocalise systems, run system diagnoses, change settings and send scheduled maintenance notices. As well as simplifying and increasing the professionalism and efficiency of the job of installers, this system enables end users to manage various automation, video entry systems, home automation, heat management and security systems through dedicated apps, ensuring complete freedom and control. CAME Connect technology, thanks to the Cloud connections, links up all our products so that they can be managed and controlled by any mobile device. Users can open, close and check their status from a smartphone or tablet, wherever they are. This is finally a reality. Each development we introduce has a positive impact on the quality of the service we offer: end users who choose to rely on CAME technology are able to benefit from the undeniable advantage of accessing real-time assistance.  



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